Telegram Sports Update

Good morning!

In yesterday’s action…

The TSP Portfolio (in TSP Live) lost 0.22 units with 0.1 units on Minnen in tennis and 0.12 units on Milwaukee/St Louis UN7.5. Wolf cashed his wager with Goffin +100 in tennis. Tony cashed his wager of Tampa Bay/Oakland UN7.5 in MLB.

Not a TSP Live member? Signup today at https://TSP.Live/tsp-live.

The Score Prediction table lost with Las Vegas -5.5 in WNBA. Got great CLV, but it did not matter at all.

TSP Bot passed.

Today’s Score Prediction analytic has Indianapolis 27 – Cincinnati 10 (Indianapolis -6.5)

Free tables are updated at…click “Portfolio” to access.

Good luck!!