Telegram Sports Update

Good morning!

START TSP LIVE FROM DAY #1…and don’t miss a Portfolio wager…and another BIG WINNING YEAR! Signup today at https://TSP.Live/tsp-live.

In yesterday’s action…

The TSP Portfolio lost -0.57% but closed the year +75.87% or +75.87 units (half that for moderate risk) on 952 wagers. Average bet was 1.17%/1.17 units. Return per dollar risked was 6.79%…over 96% of sharp bettors achieve 5% or less. Yeah, great year, frustrating December giving back 10% of our gains.

Let’s get those gains back in January and roll through 2025! Don’t miss the run…

Not a TSP Live member? Signup today at https://TSP.Live/tsp-live.

Group Buys moved to 7-1 on the season on Penn State.

Tony’s group also moved on Penn State…and he moves his run now to 16-3 after his 0-7 run!

Hermes Pro A.I. bot lost on VCU -2.

Free tables are updated at…click “Portfolio” to access.

Good luck!!