Path Predictor Charts Explained

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I know the Path Predictor charts can initially be confusing. Given they have been such strong content since they launched in June 2023, I figured it would be a good idea to breakdown how to read the charts. A typical Path Predictor chart contains, beyond the candles for the security being analyzed, the following features…

Moving Averages: The red and black lines in the chart below are moving averages. I typically will use the 50 day and 200 day simple moving averages in my charts as these are the most popular among traders. Due to the number of traders who watch these levels, the 50 and 200 SMA’s will tend to provide support (when price is above) and resistance (when price is below).

So, if price is above a moving average, the moving average can often be a place of price support. I tend to exit short positions on a touch of a moving average (when price is above and moving down)…and/or I might look to enter a long position on a touch of the moving average…and play a bounce off that support level.

Conversely, when price is below a moving average, the moving average can become resistance. As such, I will often look to close a long position on a touch of a moving average (when price is below and moving up)…and/or I might look to play a sell-off and go short on a touch of a moving average…expecting the average to be a place of exhaustion/resistance for the move up.

Pivot Points: These are the blue horizontal lines on the chart. The pivot points are prices calculated by a program I designed years ago. They use volume and price action to calculate key price levels that may not be as obvious as moving averages. Just like moving averages, these lines can be used in the exact same way to decide on entries and exits on positions. When price is moving up to a pivot, the pivot will be looked at as resistance. When price is moving down to a pivot, the pivot will be looked at as support.

Pivot Boxes: These are very similar to pivot levels, except these provide a little more leeway…and tend to be a lot stronger due to the multiple levels of support that are typically within the box. Sometimes it is easy to calculate clear pivot points (blue lines)…sometimes not. Pivot boxes (blue bordered box with yellow inside) provide zones of heavy price confluence. So, just like pivot points and moving averages, traders may look to these levels as either support or resistance depending on what direction they are hit by price. It’s just that pivot boxes don’t provide a clear price, but more of a zone.

The Path Predictor Pattern: These are the orange lines you see on some charts. Based on dozens of variables, one of the features of the program created for trading will calculate the expected path and price targets a financial instrument to might achieve…along with an approximate date target to go with that price target. All the data provided by Path Predictor can then be used to draw the price pattern into a charting service like Symbolik (

Path Predictor, when a directional calculation is made, will carry calculated probabilities of a pattern playing out. A good probability is 65% or above for a trend calculation. Anything below a 65% calculated probability for a pattern is still worth noting. The lower you are in terms of calculated probability is simply a way for the program to say that it is the less confident in the data and assessment…likely because of conflicting technicals or other calculations. The chart below had a 66% probability for the first orange line playing out, a 22% chance of a sideways move, and a 12% chance of a move up. Sounds complicated, but when you see it in action along with the commentary on the position, it’s pretty straight-forward.

Moving further with the Path Predictor calculation, you will then see that first orange line meet an intersection between two other orange segments. At this point price will be expected to either bounce or crash, and as we approach that level where the fork in the road appears, Path Predictor will provide calculated probabilities on the route (up or down)…which is then shared with FMA subscribers.

How can you use Path Predictor for trading? First, any trades should be discussed with a licensed financial advisor (see disclaimer below). Second, the possibilities are really endless as to how you could trade and why Path Predictor provides a wealth of information in its lines. For example…

If a trader decides to follow Path Predictor because they like the pattern (orange lines), and it fits with their analysis, then the trader would likely short Bitcoin here.

However, the initial concern would then be whether the price pivot at $28,161 would provide support. So, maybe you wait for a break of that price pivot before getting into the short BTC trade, and then use a close above the price pivot to exit (stop loss) the short trade.

Let’s assume a trader did short Bitcoin here, the likely exit target would be the pivot box around $26,250 since that would provide resistance.

It is possible to go through dozens of different ideas, using the chart to develop both short-term and long-term trade ideas. The goal of the charts is basically to decipher support and resistance levels through pivots and moving averages to guide entry and exits.

Advanced traders would use these charts and combine their own analysis for even tighter or filtered entry and exists on trades.



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