Telegram Sports Update

Good morning!

It surely was not pretty as the TSP Index will show. In July, the Index was trending down (which means sharp money was underperforming) for 22 days…and trending up only 5 days! Despite the struggles of sharp money and value bets in July, the TSP Portfolio will continue with 8 straight winnings months…and not a single losing month in 2024 when July concludes in a couple days. Hopefully shows how discipline and patience are key…because in July…it was one single bet that made the difference!

Due to July winding down, TSP Live August subscriptions are now open for signup…and they will be the first to feature FOOTBALL COVERAGE!!! August brings preseason NFL and Week 0 of NCAAF, plus all the other sports you know and love as TSP Live content…which is pretty much anything in action! You can signup today by clicking on the Subscribe link in the website menu or by visiting https://TSP.Live/tsp-live. Thank you as always for your support which makes everything The Sharp Plays possible!

**Football season long subscriptions go on sale at the end of August.**

In yesterday’s action…

The TSP Portfolio (in TSP Live) lost 0.26 units on the Sunday Night Baseball fade with the Yankees UNDER. Fade has been white hot this year, but not yesterday. The other loss was 0.10 units on Wolf’s selections with the KC/Cubs UNDER…a BRUTAL loss in the late innings.

Not a TSP Live member? Signup today at https://TSP.Live/tsp-live.

The Score Prediction table cashed with Cleveland +125.

TSP Bot went 1-0 with Tomova +110.

There will no longer be early sharp buying in these alerts as that content will now be reported by TSP Bot around the clock!

Today’s Score Prediction analytic is a pass.

Free tables are updated at…click “Portfolio” to access.

Good luck!!